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Women Must Speak Out in 2024 Election

As a longtime community leader in New Orleans and Houston, and a former leader in the energy industry, I believe that each of us has a civic obligation to cast our ballots in local, state and presidential elections. This is especially important for women!

Women United, a group of 55+K women community leaders across the world who are part of making changes with United Way, have put a stake in the ground about the importance of gender equity. When women thrive, our communities flourish and everyone benefits.

And there’s no doubt that gender equity in America is linked to women exercising our right to vote.

1. Women Need to Get Out and Vote

Statistics show that women have slightly higher voter turnout rates than men in both presidential and midterm elections. We have voting power! When women vote, we have the opportunity to ensure that our voices are heard and the issues that impact us are addressed by those in office. Childcare, reproductive rights, the economy, and voting rights are all on the ballot this election. Without the backing of our political officials, gender equity will be nearly impossible to achieve. One of the best ways we can help further gender equity is by getting out to vote. Our voices need to be heard!

2. Smart Voters Need a Plan

Voting requires preparation. Before you head out to vote, check your registration status. Resources like United Way’s Voter Registration portal can help verify your voter registration and locate your polling place to ensure that you know you are able to vote. Once you figure out where you can vote, take some time to research your ballot.

Looking at a list of all the candidates running in an election may seem intimidating, but it’s important to remember that you don’t have to be an expert to vote. Vote411.Org, organized by the League of Women Voters Education Fund, has non-partisan resources to help you research candidates, and create a sample ballot to take with you to the polls or use when filling out your mail-in ballot.

Voting early is preferable. Early voting has started in many states; consider Nov. 5 (Election Day) as the last day to vote. Consider making it a social event: go to brunch beforehand, take a few friends, a family member, or even your kids. Make sure that your network has a voting plan and gets out to the polls.

3. What Happens After the Election is Equally Important

After the election, it’s important that we hold our elected officials accountable. One way to do this is by calling the office of your elected officials. Every time you call a representative, someone has to make note of what you said during the call, what issue you raised and what stance you take on the issue. Take steps to make sure that your voice is heard outside of the ballot box. This ensures that the people representing you in office are aware of the issues that are important to you.

While we are voting for presidential candidates during this election cycle, please remember, every election is important. Big decisions are made by members of office that may hold seats for several years so it’s important not just to vote during presidential elections or just to vote for the presidential candidates. Our voices deserve to be heard during every election cycle. So don’t forget to make a plan and get out and vote- for all candidates and items on your ballot!

Remember: WE (you and I) are who is referenced in “We the People…”! Please believe and know that each of us has the power to have our voices heard. WE can make a difference in the lives of women and children in our communities, our states, and our nation. 

Never underestimate the power of your vote, rallying your networks to vote, then following up with our elected officials to advocate for issues that are important to us. This is a crucial process for enabling the change WE want to see.

Women United has compiled a list of nonpartisan, nonprofit resources to help women get out and vote. You can access them here. Don’t neglect your right to vote!

Cathy McRae is the president of the Women United Global Leadership Council, which leads Women United, a network of 55K+ exceptional women leaders supporting United Way's work on the ground.