
From the President and CEO, United Way Worldwide

Dear Friends,

United Way’s role in community has never been more vital. Facing the global pandemic and economic crisis, communities all around the world shut down. We showed up. We were built for this moment

Our actions today will determine whether recovery is merely a return to business as usual or a chance to build a better world – a world that works for everyone. To ensure equitable resiliency within all communi-ties, we are embarking on a campaign to support transformation across our network.

Within three months, United Way raised a billion dollars, providing critical and immediate help to families for food; healthcare and testing; housing and utilities; internet access and computers. Our 211-help line – a free, confidential service – continues to answer millions of calls across North America connecting folks in real time – 24/7 – to emergency services. We are helping families get tested, access medical care, avoid eviction, find a job, feed their family, and much more.

Worldwide, our CEOs coordinate local leaders to enact smart solutions and advise governments to strengthen their crisis response. In the U.S., our regional associations have mobilized to deploy digital assets, micro-websites, and prescriptive reference books to activate proven interventions.

In these uncertain and divided times, the urgent needs of communities compel us to evolve. We must become the network the world needs us to be: one that is capable of community building at scale. One that is resolute in its commitment to equity. We will do this by empowering ALL individuals to drive posi-tive community change.

On a societal scale, giving and volunteering shape every neighborhood creating a worldwide infrastruc-ture for human potential. Everywhere that people are born and cared for; educated and inspired; healed and sustained; organized and mobilized – United Way is there delivering local impact.

Please consider a gift to our campaign.

With Gratitude
Angela Williams, President and CEO, United Way Worldwide




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As VP, Transformation Resourcing, I can help you accelerate the impact you want to have in communities around the globe.  
Please contact me directly if you want to explore potential alignment between our work and your philanthropic goals, or have any questions.



Join us on this transformational journey.

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