Impact Stories

Closing Opportunity Gaps for Children

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Poverty has severe repercussions for people of all ages, but for children, the effects are particularly devastating. Research shows that poverty impacts children from birth, affecting their cognitive functioning, health, and overall development.

In Toronto, at least one in four children live in poverty. Indigenous, newcomer, and racialized children are especially vulnerable. The need for support is critical.

United Way of Greater Toronto aims to close opportunity gaps caused by inequality and poverty by giving children early opportunities that provide a foundation for success. Focusing on early learning and parenting support, United Way offers programs that strengthen bonds between children and their parents or caregivers. These programs promote social interaction among children ages 0 to 4 years with their peers and families.

In the past year, United Way supported 36,978 children and families in early learning and parenting programs, helping to build a foundation for future success. Additionally, 24,415 families improved their understanding and skills in child development and parenting, while 13,161 children received early intervention support needed to thrive.

United Way is targeting investments to support the most vulnerable among us.