A group planning together
Make a Difference

Speak Out for Change

Encourage legislators to support policies that strengthen communities and advance health, youth opportunity, and financial security for all.

Policy Initiatives

How You Can Speak Out

United Way is driving policy change. Explore our advocacy work and find out how you can make a difference and help communities nationwide. 

  • SNAP is our nation’s most significant anti-hunger program, boosting the economy and improving the long-term prospects of households with low incomes. It provides for a level of need that the charitable sector and emergency food programs simply cannot meet. Medicaid provides quality, affordable healthcare coverage for about 80 million people across the country, including low-income children and adults, pregnant individuals, people with disabilities, and seniors. Join us in advocating for the preservation of these programs.

    Advocate for healthy communities  

  • Since its creation in 1997, the Child Tax Credit (CTC) has been a family support, providing tax relief and greater financial stability to households with dependent children in the form of an annual tax refund. It has been, and continues to be, a critical anti-poverty tool – backed by Republicans and Democrats - for families in every county and district across the US. An enhanced Child Tax Credit will help the communities and people we serve across the nation.

    Advocate for financial security  

Policy and Advocacy

U.S. Federal Policy Priorities

The United Way network plays a vital role in advancing opportunity and strengthening democracy, as well as in mobilizing the caring power of communities for the common good. With deep roots in their communities — and an understanding of what they need most to thrive — local United Ways have a strong voice with policymakers who are shaping our laws, policies, and governmental systems.

United Way Worldwide has set its policy priorities for the 119th Congress, drawing on insights from local United Ways across the country. They include focusing on the promotion of racial and economic equity and opportunity. And they encourage collaboration and problem-solving while bolstering civic involvement and democracy.

Learn more about our public policy agenda.