About Us

Public Reporting

Public Reporting

United Way Worldwide plays a unique role as a resource to member United Ways and leader in the non-profit sector.  The bond of trust we have built goes beyond legal or regulatory requirements to include our core value of transparency. As such, we freely share our IRS Form 990 (as required by law) and our independently audited financial statements. It is our hope that doing so demonstrates our commitment to public accountability for the financial stewardship of the assets our donors have entrusted to us.

Below, you will find United Way Worldwide's independently audited Annual Financial Statements, IRS Form 990 filings, and Annual Reports since 2010. (For copies of earlier years, please contact finance@uww.unitedway.org). These documents reflect the operational results of United Way Worldwide only and do not represent the consolidated financial information of the global United Way network.

Each local United Way member is a separately incorporated 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity and must, therefore, complete their own independently audited Annual Financial Statements and IRS Form 990. (To review a copy of a specific United Way's Financial Information, please contact that United Way directly by using the “Find Your United Way” search function at the top of this page.)

2022-2023 Impact Report
2022 Form 990
2022 Consolidated Financial Statements

2021 Form 990
2021 Consolidated Financial Statements

2020 Annual Report 
2020 Form 990
2020 Consolidated Financial Statements

2019 Annual Report
2019 Form 990
2019 Consolidated Financial Statements

2018 Annual Report
2018 Form 990
2018 Consolidated Financial Statements

2017 Annual Report
2017 Form 990
2017 Consolidated Financial Statements

2016 Annual Report
2016 Form 990
2016 Consolidated Financial Statements

2015 Annual Report
2015 Form 990
2015 Consolidated Financial Statements

2014 Annual Report
2014 Form 990
2014 Consolidated Financial Statements

2013 Annual Report
2013 Form 990
2013 Consolidated Financial Statements

2012 Annual Report
2012 Form 990
2012 Consolidated Financial Statements

2011 Annual Report
2011 Form 990 Including 8453-EO
2011 Consolidated Financial Statements

2010 Annual Report
2010 Form 990
2010 Form 990-T
2010 Consolidated Financial Statements 

2009 IRS Determination Letter (Internal Revenue Service letter determining the exempt status of United Way Worldwide, known then as Community Chests and Councils, Inc.)

Organizational Background

United Way Worldwide is the leadership and support organization for the global network of more than 1,100 community-based United Ways in 34 countries and territories. From strengthening local resilience to advancing health, youth opportunity, and financial security, United Way is mobilizing communities to action so all can thrive.

Ethics and Compliance


Annually, all United Ways certify their adherence to standards that include comprehensive requirements for financial reporting, governance, ethics, diversity and operations.

Financial Information

Download United Way Worldwide's completed Independently Audited Annual Financial Statements, IRS Form 990s, and Annual Reports for the most recent 7 calendar years.

Code of Ethics

United Way volunteers, employees and representatives have a responsibility to uphold the highest ethical standards. We believe these standards go beyond compliance with laws and regulations — calling us to fulfill higher obligations as stewards of the public trust. United Way Worldwide's Code of Ethics sets forth standards and responsibilities toward this end. The Board of Directors and all United Way Worldwide staff approve the code annually and board members are required to personally certify their compliance to it. Read our code as a PDF document.

Counter Terrorism Laws

United Way Worldwide complies with the U.S. Patriot Act and all other counter terrorism laws. Affirmative action is taken to prevent technical, in-kind, or other resources from inadvertently being used for illegal acts and terrorist activities.


Read the amended and restated bylaws of United Way Worldwide as a PDF document.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

United Way Worldwide’s privacy policy and practices are consistent with expectations of GDPR.


For United Way, success means measurable improvements in the communities we serve. Setting high standards for ourselves and for our local partners is critical for that success.

Annually, all United Ways certify their adherence to standards that include comprehensive requirements for financial reporting, governance, ethics, diversity and operations. Specifically, United Ways must meet the following:

Tax-Exempt Status

All United Ways in the USA must be tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code as well as corresponding provisions of other applicable state, local or foreign laws or regulations.


United Ways are governed by active, responsible, and voluntary governing boards to ensure effective governance over the policies and financial resources of the organization. These boards are responsible for United Ways delivering on their mission to advance the common good. 


All United Ways follow locally adopted codes of ethics for volunteers and staff that include provisions for ethical management, publicity, fundraising practices and full and fair disclosure.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

United Ways have adopted policies/statements to ensure volunteers and staff broadly reflect the diversity of the community served. By July 2021, all United Ways will adopt and publicly post their position opposing racial/ethnic discrimination and other forms of oppression. They will provide their board members and staff with annual racial equity training, and use race equity as one criteria to be considered in making community investments.

Financial Accountability

United Ways undergo annual financial audits conducted by independent certified public accountants whose examination complies with generally accepted auditing standards. In addition, United Ways have developed comprehensive requirements for completion of audited financial statements to ensure consistency and transparency system-wide. These requirements are based on industry best practices and comport with generally accepted accounting principles. Smaller United Ways (with less than $500,000 in annual revenue) may undergo an independent financial review.

Performance Excellence

Every three years, United Ways conduct self-assessments of their governance, financial management and impact in the community.

Public Reporting and Disclosure

United Ways in the USA must file the IRS Form 990 in a timely manner and will provide the IRS Form 990 on their website, at their offices, or upon request.


United Ways comply with all applicable local, state and federal operating and reporting requirements.

Support the United Way Network

United Ways provide financial support to United Way Worldwide and follow standards to use United Way's trademarks. United Ways charge fees based on actual expenses for donor-designated gifts and other processing services.