Impact Stories

Improving Living Conditions in Montreal

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Centraide of Greater Montreal (United Way Montreal) has made a substantial impact in the community, investing $73,198,057, with 88% of the money raised directly supporting local initiatives. This investment has benefited 375 agencies and projects, addressing critical issues such as housing, food security, and financial literacy.

For decent living conditions, Centraide’s investments focus on:

  • Access to decent and affordable housing
  • Food security
  • Budgeting and financial literacy
  • Support for people experiencing homelessness


A significant portion of the investment, $19.2 million (26% of the overall investment), has been allocated to 136 agencies and projects supporting these goals.

Marie’s story shows us the effect of Centraide’s support. At age 41, this mother of three decided to start her own business, but a stroke and subsequent separation from her spouse turned her life upside down. With no insurance, Marie faced immense financial hardship. Now, more than 20 years after her stroke, she is still struggling to regain stability. She manages her finances on a monthly income of $1,295, with $795 going towards rent, leaving her with just $50 a week for groceries after other expenses.

“My rent is $795 a month. If you do the math, I spend over 60% of my income on rent,” Marie explains. The financial strain has left her feeling like “a little dog swimming hard, trying to keep her nose above water, just before she sinks.”

Fortunately, Centraide-funded organizations like the Association coopérative d’économie familiale (ACEF) Rive-Sud provide essential support. ACEF counselor Vicky Parashuk works closely with Marie, reviewing her monthly budget and helping her manage her finances. This support has been a lifeline for Marie, helping her navigate her financial challenges and offering hope for a more stable future.

According to the Financial Anxiety Index created by Centraide of Greater Montreal, 41% of Quebec respondents who spend more than 50% of their income on housing experience food insecurity. This highlights the critical need for continued support and investment in affordable housing and financial literacy programs.

Many United Ways target investments and provide comprehensive support to people boost their financial security.