Press Releases

United Way Worldwide President and CEO Responds to Department of Agriculture Report on Household Food Insecurity

Angela F Williams responds to new data on food insecurity 

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Alexandria, VA - Recently, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Economic Research Service released the Household Food Security in the United States in 2022 report. The report found 17 million households experienced food insecurity at some point in 2022, including nearly 7 million households that reported very low food security.  

In response, Angela F. Williams, President and CEO of United Way Worldwide, released the following statement:  

“Last year, more than 17 million households were food insecure and experienced difficulty providing enough food for their household members due to a lack of resources. These devastating numbers highlight the stark reality of the food insecurity crisis in the United States, and are a reminder of the investment needed from the public and private sectors to deliver services to families and communities most in need. With millions of Americans wondering where their next meal will come from, United Way serves as a lynchpin in communities confronting challenges such as hunger. We have mobilized resources and trusted on-the-ground relationships to support communities in the fight against food insecurity. United Way's initiatives are effectively lowering barriers to food access, particularly among children and vulnerable communities. In collaboration and partnership with 1,100 local United Ways around the country, we are identifying and employing solutions to address the findings from the recent data. 

“Instrumental to our work in addressing food insecurity is the 211 network, which is operated by local United Ways, local governments, and independent non-profits. During the pandemic, 211 call centers identified real-time needs to give babies and children access to the food they needed to learn, grow and thrive. We will continue to expand our efforts to make healthy, nutritious food options available to more people.”