Why Paris Roney Gives
"A single donation can provide someone in need with a reason to get out of bed in the morning"

BMO’s Paris Roney has experienced using United Way’s services firsthand, and now encourages others to give back and support United Way.
When Paris Roney found out her son’s father had been diagnosed with stage 4 lymphoma, she left her well-paying sales job to support her family. While she had anticipated a brief pause in employment, she hadn’t anticipated just how challenging the job market would be when she was ready to resume work, even with years of leadership experience, and how quickly she would find herself in a tight financial situation.
”At one point in my life, I had established a promising career and attained financial stability. Accepting the painful reality that I could not afford even the most basic necessity was defeating. I had reached a point where every known resource had been exhausted. I couldn't overcome my own shame and embarrassment to ask for help from my loved ones anymore. There were days when the electricity wouldn't be on, and I'd have to make up games and stories for my son so he wouldn't be scared or feel the pressure of our situation. I was putting on a façade that everything was okay."
Paris soon found a job that helped her scrape by on bills, but there was barely any money left over at the end of each month for other necessities. That’s when a colleague connected Paris to her local United Way where staff helped her apply for food vouchers, provided school supplies for her son, and connected her to additional services. The experience was dignified, free from judgment, and empowered Paris to get back on her feet.
“My hands were shaking as I made the call to United Way. I was worried that admitting the reality of my situation to a stranger would be met with judgment and pity."
By the end of that initial call, I was in tears because someone made me feel important and worthy. I finally felt like I was going to reach the light at the end of this tunnel.
Eventually Paris found a job as a Retail Relationship Banker at her local BMO branch. Five years later, and she is thriving in a new role as the Zero Barriers to Careers Program Manager for the BMORE program, where she gets to pay it forward to people in similar situations to what she once found herself in. The BMORE program works with community partners to offer BMO employment opportunities to people with non-traditional banking backgrounds in underserved communities. She also proudly participates in BMO’s annual Employee Giving Campaign and encourages colleagues to do the same, including giving directly to a local United Way.
”The hardship I was faced with can happen to anyone. The impact of a single donation can provide someone in need with a reason to get out of bed in the morning. My experience brought to life that even $30 can help someone buy their children shoes or a backpack with supplies for the upcoming school year. It also means someone can go to the grocery store and put a meal on the table.
Today, my story has come full circle. I was in a position where my livelihood depended on the donations of strangers, and today, I get to collaborate with community organizations that uplift individuals in need. I had no idea that my story would ultimately be the driving force for my career. I am passionate about my work and BMO's impact through the Employee Giving Campaign because, not too long ago, I was the individual benefitting from the kindness of others.”